Member Group

The "Member Group" is a useful tool to quick select members and assign to resource stage working positions.

Member Group Manage#


Role: Supervisor, Admin

Location: Profile

To open the Member Group Manage dialog, go to the members tab in the profile page, and click "Manage Groups".

Click to open the dialog

Add a group#

Click the "+" button in the groups section, the left side of the dialog, then give the group a name in the following confirm box.

Click to add a group

Delete a group#

Click the delete button in the groups section to delete a group.

Click to delete a group

Select a group#

Click a group on the left side of the dialog to view and manage its members.

Click to select a group

Manage the members of a group#

Once a group is selected, you can add or remove members in the members section on the right side of the dialog.

Edit group name
Add members to the group
Remove a member from the group

Use the group when assigning members to a Category Stage#

Member group can be used when assigning members to a Category Stage.