Episode Progress
Role: Member, Supervisor, Admin
- Page: Episode
- Tab: Progress
This page displays an Episode's progress. It is split into a left section for Shots and a right section for Stages.
Shots SectionThe left section contains small boxes that represent Shots. The Shots are organized by Act and Scene in the Episode.
The colour of the box represents the current Stage of the Shot. Supervisors can change the Stage colour in the Stages sections on the right.
The number on each box indicates there is additional information for the Shot. Users choose what information is shown from the tabs above:
Shows the Shot number in the Scene
In Progress Refs
Shows the number of in-progress Resources that a Shot References.
Finished Refs
Shows the number of finished Resources that a Shot References.
Stage SectionThe right section lists the Stages of the Shot Category. Each row represents a Stage.
A Stage row is composed of three parts:
Left side: Progress information, which can be displayed in two different ways:
Shows how many seconds of animation are currently at this Stage. If it's a Work stage, the data is split into NEW (first time at this Stage) and REV (the work was not approved and is back for Revision).
Shows the number of Shots in this Stage that are not currently assigned to a Member.
Middle: Stage Colour
Users can click the colour box to change the colour.
Right side: Stage Name